Saturday, July 24, 2010

Garden in the middle of July....

Here is a look at my little garden little I mean is cute and small....
the lettuce is abundant, carrots coming on, swiss chard picked almost daily....

here is the second planting of radishes....their little tops look so cute! I am thinking next year to buy more of these 'farm water trough's' for planting in....I think they are warmer and they need no fence!

the garden coming along fine....their is a fence around it to keep out the wild bunnies and stray cats....

tomatoes still growing....I have high hopes....we have not had alot of sun her in the PNW...

here are the is a helpful hint, don't ever use a metal bed rail for the beans to grow on...I think it is to slippery....they don't climb...I am having a heck of a time trying to get them to use it...

here is what I am most proud of! and the reason for blogging the compost...this is one side of my compost pile and...obviously the side I am using....

here is the other side! my compost pile is doing better than my garden! It is so lovely! and healthy looking...

.....there are volunteer tomatoes....

and the squash...who knows what kind I am having! or is it pumpkins?

more tomatoes....there is volunteer mint and parsley and I found some dill....and some of last years swiss chard....

maybe zucchini....

here are some blossoms...

my favorite, the happy nasturtiums coming out of the you have great plants coming from your compost? Is this a normal thing? I am loving the anticipation of what is growing!

Cheers to Happy  !!


  1. You have one gorgeous garden there missy! I am using it as my inspiration for next year. What kind of soil did you use in the water trough? Great job, cousin!

  2. Thanks Renae! put some rockes in the bottom and then lots of compost and a few bags of organic soil on is my favorite ( and you dont have to bend over to tend the garden)...BONUS!
