Sunday, October 10, 2010

Trader Joes, Fleur de Sel Carmel Sauce....

If you love or even like or even like just a little, Carmel, than hurry to Trader Joe's to buy this is Carmel sauce that has salt added...french is inexpensive and the best sauce money can buy....

I would use this in dessert recipes, on ice cream, a spoon in my coffee, a topping for apple crisp, or brownies...and my all time favorite...apples....

just sliced apples and Carmel sauce, salted Carmel know how good just salting your apples are before biting into them is...(you do salt apples as you are eating them, right?) this couldn't be better.....

the only problem? a bigger dish for the Carmel..... so good!

Cheers to Happy  !!

1 comment:

  1. I always salt my apples and I never peel the skin off. I may have to try this caramel sauce, but I have no idea where there is a Trader Joe's near to me. Hmmm... looks like Pittsburgh is the closest. I'll see if I can get it online.
