Friday, January 8, 2010

Gratitude- how do we honor that one?

It has been my experience in life that there are times when I forget to be thankful for so many things.  We go through our lives just getting through not always paying attention to the details.  I know for me it is the little things that will take me down everytime.  And so with that in mind my best friend suggested that we each keep a little gratitude journal.  Just jot down a few things every night to bring me to some form of peace.  Now that being said let's look at the pictures.

Well I got a little journal, this one is about 4 inches by 6 inches.  It is a plain little writing book.  Just right though for a few little snippets every night.

*princess bed*

I believe that most of us are creatures of habit.  I know for sure I am, probably because when I was young life was chaotic.   So first I brush my teeth and wash my face.  I put on my pajamas (night getup).  I take great delight in wearing really outragious night wear.  Like tonight I am wearing the most beautiful huge brown velour robe so luxurious.  With it my very favorite night gown with roses and striped flannel pajama bottoms.  White socks of course.  My slippers are always put away because they get worn outside and not suitable with this outfit.
Ok so you get the picture.  I am sixty one, I dress for comfort and a style that pleases me. That being said it is time to get into the princess bed.  Yes there really are nine pillows.  Yes I manage to use them all eventually.  They are my friends. And when I travel some of them come along.

I put on my readers, get my little book and reflect on my day and the many things I am grateful for.  My family and dear friends are almost always first.  Although I must admit Banana cream pie has been first, along with Spumoni ice cream
and sometimes rain on the roof.  Face book is right up there too.
In looking back over the days and weeks since beginning this little exercise it is comforting to see all of the things, large and small that make up my days.
I am so grateful for good doctors that are trying their best to help my Mother and my sister Candy, cousin Diana any my best friend Dar be healthy.
I must say there are days when life does get me down.  And I think of the many challenges each and every one of us faces daily.  It is then when I am most fearful that I look at this dear little book and say prayers of thanks for the many blessings that are mine.  So I say if life is getting you down give this a try.

One of my greatest inspirations is the sweet sister than allows me to write here once in a while.  I am extremely honored because she is the best of the best.
Ha for a minute (tiny) I am in her league.
In loving gratitude.

Cheers to Happy Everyone!!!

Yes that pillow case
has Miss Piggy on it.  The
original "Diva"!


  1. I just love the gratitude list idea. I'm going to start adding that to my journaling. I am so thankful that you are my Aunt, Im pretty lucky:) XOXXO- Shawna-rie

  2. I love this idea too...I am very lucky to have you for my are a great inspiration to me..I will start a gratitude book...I also wear interesting pajama's...I own cute ones, but I LOVE my mismatched, flannel, and t-shirt variety..and just a sweatshirt thrown over the top for warmth...

  3. Auntie J said...
    I sooo loved the gratitude note idea! I journal when I HAVE to save some thought or idea, happening and life changing experience, but not sure I always share my gratitude, no I don't. that being said, I am also prvileged to be related to you...thank you, thank you for being you and reminding me once again how very lucky I am that you are in my life. THank you God!
