Saturday, November 14, 2009

Help me, I can't decide!

As you all know I am trying to go green, or I am battling with the decision of whether or not to get an artificial tree. I had one for years and about 6 years ago said  "I am never having another fake tree". Well the 'real' trees are very very cut it down, and  have it up for 2 weeks and away it goes in the fire...Where you pay more initially for the pretend one and you didn't waste a tree and you can put it up the first of December if you want and have it up for 30 days...

If you squint your eyes and look through your eye lashes and tilt your head to the left, they look the same
Don't they? What do you all think? What do you do?

Cheers to Happy   !!


  1. That is a hard choice! Growing up my family would get a permit and go to the mountains to chop down a tree (those did last the whole month.) While in college we always had a fake tree, but usually went home for the holidays so we had a real tree. Real trees give that wonderful scent to the room, but they are expensive!! Good luck making your decision!

  2. I have had a fake tree for years, and I love it, because I can keep it as long as I want. I like to keep my tree up to New Years, because with all the shopping and working and let's face it...stress, of Christmas, I get to just relax and look at my tree and all my favorite ornaments between Christmas and New Years Day. Plus, I usually have all the kids over for New Years Eve, and it keeps the festive feeling. There are some fake trees now that are so well done, it's really hard to tell they are fake.

  3. Don't do it. There is enough phoniness in our world. And what it they have a new law that says no one can have real trees. How are the grandkids ever going to know what a real tree smells like. I say, go green, REAL green.

  4. get a live tree, then you can put it outside and plant it in the spring :)

  5. buy a live tree, then you can plant it later.

  6. We relented about 3 years ago, and went to the "fake" one. Being in Omak, we couldn't find any real nice ones . . mostly pine up in the woods, and then the ones in the lots around here only last for maybe 2 weeks tops...that's not long enough for me. So that is how we justify our beautiful artificial one. It is really pretty and we enjoy it! Good luck with your decision, Debbie!
